The Lifecycle Effects of Firm Takeover Defenses (working paper with William C. Johnson and Sangho Yi)
- Data Appendix (compiled by William Johnson)
Reply to 'The Reg SHO Reanalysis Project: Reconsidering Fang, Huang and Karpoff (2016) on Reg SHO and Earnings Management' by Black et al. (with Vivian W. Fang and Allen Huang (2019).
- Data and computer code used to generate the accruals results in this paper (compiled by Vivian Fang)
Proxies and Databases in Financial Misconduct Research (with Allison Koester, D. Scott Lee, and Gerald S. Martin), The Accounting Review, 92(6) (November 2017), 129-163.
- Please contact Jerry Martin for his data on SEC enforcement actions for financial misrepresentation. I will post the data here when Jerry gives me permission to do so!
Do Takeover Defense Indices Measure Takeover Deterrence? (with Robert J. Schonlau and Eric W. Wehrly), Review of Financial Studies, 30(7) (July 2017), 2359-2412.
- Data Appendix, with instrumental variable values for the G-index, E-index, and O-index from 1990-2008 (compiled by Rob Schonlau)
Short Selling and Earnings Management: A Controlled Experiment (with Vivian W. Fang and Allen Huang), Journal of Finance, 71 (June 2016), 1251-1293.
- Data and computer code used to generate the accruals results in this paper. (This is the same link as for the "Reply..." paper listed above.)
Public Versus Private Initiative in Arctic Exploration: The Effects of Incentives and Organizational Structure, Journal of Political Economy 109:1 (February 2001): 38-78.
- Data spreadsheet on arctic expeditions